Since Yorkies are extra sensitive around the eyes, trimming the hairs there should be done with extreme caution. Cleaning Your Yorkie’s Eyes And Earsīefore bathing, carefully remove any excess accumulations around the tear ducts. Brush until the hair hangs smooth and straight.
Begin from the head and neck and move back to the body, legs, chest, and tail, in that order. Because a Yorkie’s hair is virtually impossible to brush when wet, brushing should be done before bathing. Brushing Your Yorkieīegin by giving your Yorkie a gentle brushing. If this is your first time, you may want to sit in with a professional groomer or watch a few tutorial videos to see the techniques firsthand. So be sure you have enough time to work though al the steps without rushing. Even with a compliant dog that’s accustomed to being handled, a thorough grooming can take an hour or more. Here we’ll offer a few grooming tips for those of you who want to groom your Yorkie at home.īefore you begin, you will need to gather certain supplies. And why not-they’re adorable and outgoing dogs who love to play and cuddle! But all that long silky hair can be a challenge to groom (not to mention ear cleaning and nail trimming). The Yorkshire Terrier (Yorkie) consistently ranks among America’s top ten most popular dog breeds.